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Guidelines for Faculty Instruction

Faculty assigning work that may result in student use of the Fabrication Labs, or that require activities best suited to the lab environment should read this sheet and follow the policies and procedures below. This is a condensed document; faculty and students should be aware of the “Fabrication Labs: Policies and Procedures” before working in the labs.

In the case of a class assignment in the Fabrication Labs of any duration, it is the responsibility of the teaching faculty member(s) to: a) meet with the Lab Director to ensure lab availability well in advance of the project being assigned (at least one-quarter in advance for substantial lab assignments); b) provide the Lab Director with a copy of the assignment; c) ensure that the required materials, hardware and other facilities are present before their students arrive. These preparations will allow the Lab Director to make the best possible use of all lab resources to safely support the maximum number of students and activities.

Faculty are required to be present in the lab to provide guidance addressing course objectives throughout the assignment. The lab staff will be available to assist the faculty and advise students, but should not be expected to fill the role of faculty. (Note: If a course involves both field work and work in the lab simultaneously, the course may need to have both an instructor and a lab-qualified TA so one can always be present to supervise and assist students working in the lab while other work is going on in the field).

Faculty should ensure that all students required to use the lab have been through the General Lab Introduction, or that they are scheduled to do so. The Lab Director will hold a list of students who have signed an affidavit; faculty members may check their student lists against it.

Faculty should be aware that the Lab Director reserves the right to restrict the use of the lab, specific tools, or materials and operations when there is a perception of risk or immediate danger to individuals, tools or property. Not all lab staff are experienced or qualified in all aspects of lab practice so in addition to the aforementioned right they may also shut off individual tools or ask individuals to cease work if they judge there is any immediate danger of harm to individuals, tools or property, or if they do not feel qualified to properly judge the safety of specific operations. Delay, resistance or unpleasantness to the staff may lead to the immediate suspension of lab privileges.

The Fabrication Labs and the work yard area must be left clean and orderly after every usage, including between work sessions.

As a courtesy to all lab users, useful extra materials or hardware (screws, nails, fasteners, etc.) at the end of a project are to be contributed to the supply stock available in the Fabrication Labs.

Storage space in the Fabrication Labs is limited. Faculty will assume, and should inform their students, that all materials and projects must be removed when they are not actively being worked on, and all completed projects, scrap materials, jigs and setups and prototypes should be removed from the lab immediately upon completion of a project, or the course for which the project was being pursued if the project is incomplete. The college and lab staff are not responsible for missing work and materials or damage to projects.

Lab Director: Penny Maulden (
Faculty Lab Advisor: Kimo Griggs, (

Call 9-1-1 immediately.

When dialing 9-1-1 from a cell phone you will forward to the Washington State Patrol or Seattle Police Department. Inform dispatcher you are on University of Washington property and ask to be connected to UW Police.

Provide our address: 3950 University Way NE.

Provide the room number: 137, Fabrication Lab; 132, Metal Lab; 132 Digi Hub.

Depending on time of day, if exterior building doors are locked, assist responders by having another person meet them outside with their Husky Card.