The project is centred around community and uses the arts and sculpture as a catalyst for interaction and engagement. Inspired by Francis Kéré, the Fremont Art Collective abstracts the concepts of community and aggregation derived from his works to form an architectural language of its own. Considering the relevance of the arts in Fremont, the project aims at being a hub for the celebration and appreciation of art within the community.
In line with the vision for a dynamic and communal intervention, the Fremont Art Collective is not a building in any conventional sense, but is instead a socially interactive machine. It is more of a framework for performative and socially interactive spaces. In suspending spaces on a mega-form, the ground plane is left open and adaptable to the needs of the community. This also makes the project an effective urban interstice as it is bound by an active trail (Burke-Gilman) on one side and a road on the other.
The gallery, atelier and private spaces aggregate around the mega-form. All the spaces are open to each other and it possible to establish visual connections of different activities from various vantage points within the interior. The Fremont Art Collective is able to support performative programs, installations and shared workspaces between neighbouring artists.