Inspired by the works of Do Ho Suh, the live/work gallery seeks to take advantage of the many special influences from the artist’s work and implement them into a design. Due to his many travels and experiences as an immigrant Do Ho Suh has taken a keen interest in individualism vs collectivism. To highlight this the building material is made primarily of brick. Each brick has its unique characteristic and composition. Yet the individual bricks when brought together create structure and shelter. This reflection also continues within the buildings program. Each floor operates with a different intent, the lower two floors operate primarily as gallery spaces. These two floors are given direct access to the street, the burke gillman trail and the other surrounding galleries. The upper floors above act more separate and privately from the gallery spaces below. Opting for access to the smaller road behind the gilman and a small stair. While programmatically separate each space is connected in part by a stairway. These stairs act as transitory spaces on the building’s exterior. Do Ho Suh is most famous for his fabric interiors, a sculpture that seeks to reflect on the ways in which we look at space. Abstractly this influences the thin meshed exterior of the building. Creating spaces on the buildings exterior that are in part enclosed but also open.