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CBE Research Restart Fund

The CBE Research Restart Fund was created to support CBE scholars in rebuilding research momentum that had/has been disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We understand that lockdowns, travel restrictions and the illness itself disrupted research across the disciplines, whether due to caregiving, lack of access to field sites, etc. This fund is designed to help faculty and staff researchers across the college recover from those disruptions and regain research momentum. The awards are funded by the CBE Commons. Proposals may request awards between $1,000 and $5,000. There are a total of two cycles of funding (see timelines below).

  • 1st cycle: grants awarded and active
    • April 25, 2021: RFP announced / application period opens
    • June 1, 2022: application deadline (11:59pm PST)
    • June 2 – June 30, 2022: application review
    • July 1, 2022: awardees notified
    • July 10, 2022 – July 9, 2023: period of performance
    • August 1, 2022 – July 15, 2023: final report and final budget reconciliation may be submitted anytime after the work is completed; and no later than July 15, 2023
    • Spring Quarter, 2023: Research Restart Fund lunch-and-learn event
  • 2nd cycle: application period pending
    • October 1, 2022: RFP announced / application period opens
    • November 15, 2022: application deadline (11:59pm PST)
    • November 16 – December 14, 2022: application review
    • December 15, 2022: awardees notified
    • January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023: period of performance
    • February 1, 2023 – January 15, 2024: final report and final budget reconciliation may be submitted anytime after the work is completed; and no later than January 15, 2024
    • Fall Quarter 2023: Research Restart Fund lunch-and-learn event

  • Lead applicants must be faculty or research staff with primary appointments in the College of Built Environments; applicants must have PI status at the time of submission and the appointment must be active in Workday.
  • Individuals may not serve as a lead on more than one project team.
  • Teams may not submit more than one application.
  • Individuals can be on more than one team, but can only lead one team.
  • Funds can be used to support conferences or workshops per UW and state policy, and other support to engage in the research, including salary, course buy-out, student research assistants, supplies and materials, relevant travel per UW travel guidelines, and reasonable support for non-UW partners.

Please submit the following to

  • A description of the proposal’s goals and context (max 2 pages), including:
    • Statement of work, including research questions, context, and justification
    • Relevance to the field and impact for community partners when applicable
    • Why the Research Restart Fund is a good fit for this proposal: how it will address a COVID-related disruption in your research activities. You do not need to share the specifics of why your research was disrupted, but please explain what you were unable to accomplish/move forward, and how this funding would support such activities (e.g. funding to publish; travel to archives).
    • How and what ways this funding contributes to the momentum of the researcher’s portfolio
    • List of the members of the project team, including students, along with their titles and UW or organizational affiliations, and a description of the rationale for their involvement and the role each member will play in the project
    • Work plan, including potential hurdles the team might encounter
    • Timeline for completing the work
    • Anticipated outputs or deliverables, and a plan for disseminating and/or using them
    • Whether/how additional funding will be sought for this project, including whether applicants have start-up funds or other funding they could be using
    • If the funds are intended as seed funding, identification of the sources of funding that you will be pursuing to build on this work
  • Budget and budget narrative (max 1 page):
    • Budgets must list all expenses and all funds (external and internal) available.
    • Include justification or rationale for any budget items where need is not self-evident.
    • If including travel in your budget, be specific and use the University per-diem rate.
    • Identify matching as applicable.

Proposal Review Process: 

A committee of CBE faculty and staff will review the applications and make recommendations to the dean. The committee will rate proposals based on the following criteria:

  • Merit and impact (50%): Will the proposed use of funds make a positive contribution to the researchers’ portfolio, and to the field? Will awarding funds for this proposal be money well spent in terms of impact for the college, the university, and beyond?
  • Appropriateness for the Research Restart Fund (25%): Does the proposal describe how the budgeted funds will contribute to ameliorating COVID-related disruption to research activities and/or regaining research momentum? If seed funding is requested, what larger funding pursuits will the team target?
  • Feasibility of proposal (25%): Does the proposal make a clear, articulate case for the proposed research? How well do the stated goals of the proposed project fit within the proposed budget? Do the goals of the research seem feasible given all the resources and partners identified?

We will identify and mitigate conflicts of interest between applicants and committee members. No committee member will review an application from their home department/research organization. Each application will be reviewed by two committee members; in the case of a significant variation in evaluation such applications will be reviewed by a third committee member. The Associate Dean for Research will make final review and recommendations to the dean.


  • The award must be used within 12 months of release of funds.
  • For projects that involve research on human subjects or on animals, it is the PI’s responsibility to ensure compliance with all applicable federal, state, and institutional regulations. Work may not begin on the project until all appropriate compliance procedures are complete and verification has been provided to CBE Office of Research.
  • Any unspent funds will be returned to CBE’s Office of Research.
  • Awardees shall submit a final report detailing accomplishments and final budget reconciliation no later than 15 days from the funding cycle conclusion.
  • Awardees will be asked to participate in a post-program evaluation survey, and a lunch-and-learn gathering to present their work and discuss with others.
  • Awardees are requested to acknowledge the College of Built Environments in publications and other dissemination of work funded by the Research Restart Fund.

Questions: Please contact