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Office of Academic Affairs

Welcome to the CBE Office of Academic Affairs!

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Ann Marie Borys |

Our mission in the Office of Academic Affairs is three-fold:

  1. Supporting faculty development through mentoring and oversight of the tenure, promotion, and merit review processes, guidance and recommendations regarding sabbatical applications and college awards, and support for the day-to-day work of the faculty through the provision of teaching resources.
  2. Supporting the larger goals of the college’s mission and vision to engage in research and education that addresses the impacts of climate change, and improves conditions of social justice and human health through the thoughtful planning, design, construction, and investment in the environment and in communities.
  3. Ensuring that the college operates with integrity and in compliance with law and with University and College policies and procedures,

In addition to these core administrative functions, the Office of Academic Affairs is currently coordinating two initiatives that aim at improving the conditions of the college as an “academic workplace” for faculty, staff, and students:  Community Well-being and CBE Space Renewal.

Community Well-being

We believe that faculty well-being is of vital importance and is an “upstream issue” that directly connects with the growth and well-being of our students. We believe that well-being is a larger community level issue based in an understanding that we are all interconnected. Toward this end, the Office of Academic Affairs engages with the UW Resilience Lab to offer resources for faculty from workshops and discussions to guest talks on best practices.

The CBE Office of Academic Affairs supports the Resilience Lab’s 4-part model of well-being: (1) teaching for equity and access; (2) nurturing connection; (3) building resilience coping skills; and (4) connecting with the environment.

CBE Space Renewal: pilot projects for future renovation

The goal of this project is to pilot the effectiveness of space renewal in Gould Hall as the most sustainable solution to the College of Built Environments long term facilities needs. The pilot projects will provide for currently unmet needs identified in a comprehensive space and need analysis of CBE’s facilities. The goals include design for collaboration-style space-use efficiency in a post-pandemic context through innovative planning; and, improvement of student experience through dedicated space for accessing services, for teamwork and study, and for social exchange.