Updates to UW operations will be made across multiple communications platforms including UW Alert, UW’s home page, or UW’s toll-free emergency information line at 1-866-897-4636. The President, in coordination with other UW entities will try to make a determination regarding suspended operations by 6:00 am, based on the most current information available with student, faculty, and staff safety the primary consideration.
In the event of snow or other severe weather conditions in the Seattle area, it’s important for faculty and staff to follow the UW’s inclement-weather and suspended-operations policies.
UW Inclement Weather Policy applies when the University is in operation, but an individual employee requests time off because local weather conditions cause transportation problems or hazardous conditions.
UW Suspended Operations Policy applies when University officials temporarily suspend non-essential operations, requiring only staff performing essential functions to report to work.
Administrative Policy Statement 40.2 describes each unit’s responsibility for determining whether its employees perform an essential function, and for notifying those who do of their responsibilities for reporting to work during suspended operations. Please review your unit’s designation of positions that perform essential functions and make sure they are accurate.
If employees do not normally telework, but might do so during inclement weather or suspended operations, anticipate and discuss typical work that employees would need to accomplish.