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Rooms + Features

Architecture Hall, 3943 Stevens Way W
Gould Hall, 3950 University Way NE
Community Design Building, 3947 University Way NE

To confirm room availability, please go to the Room Calendars page

G042, Architecture Hall
110, Architecture Hall
140, Architecture Hall
250, Architecture Hall

007, Gould Hall
100, Gould Hall
102, Gould Hall
110, Gould Hall
114, Gould Hall
142, Gould Hall
208J, Gould Hall
440, Gould Hall
442, Gould Hall

Court, Gould Hall
Varey Garden, Gould Hall
North Lawn, Gould Hall
The Buzz Cafe, Gould Hall

The College of Built Environments is pleased to make the Dean’s Conference room available to college members in support of the administrative and academic needs of the college. It is the goal is to more discretely monitor this asset, relative to other college rooms, therefore this calendar is off-line. This room is not available for non-CBE rental. Email for availability.

The conference phone is a Polycom IP7000 and the phone number is 206-543-0159.

The monitor is a NewLine TruTouch X7.

Quarterly instruction reservations are submitted by departmental chairs or their designated room scheduler in accordance with the UW Departmental Time Construction Calendar. Instructors must work through their respective departments for any adjustments to dates and times to assure no class conflicts and instructional information is updated in Time Schedule.

The priority of scheduling academic courses into CBE rooms are ranked by the following criteria.

      • Instruction that adheres to the Office of the Registrar’s Learning Spaces Policy.
      • Undergraduate and Graduate matriculated required core classes that
        • Meet multiple days of the week (in order) MTWThF, MTWTh, MWF or TTh (does not include honors, quiz, or other break-out sections) and
          • Blocks for 50-minute meetings (“hour-long classes”) must have starting times of 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30 or 1:30, and meet at the same starting time throughout the week.
          • Blocks for 80-minute meetings (“90-minute classes”) have starting times of 8:30, 10:00, 11:30, 1:00, and meet at the same starting time throughout the week.
          • Blocks for 110-minute meetings (“two-hour classes”) have starting times of 8:30, 10:30, 12:30, or 1:30, and meet at the same starting time throughout the week.
          • Blocks for 170-minute meetings (“three-hour classes”) have starting times of 8:30 and 11:30, and meet at the same starting time throughout the week.
        • Classes that meet three times per week at the same time and for the same duration must meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
        • If class meets two days a week on MWF priority will be MW. MF and WF will be assigned before classes meeting one day a week.


      • Preference will be given to classes meeting the above criteria and willing to begin at 8:00 or 8:30 am.
      • No department will be allowed more than one class, as available,  at 10:00 am or 10:30 am.
      • Curriculum must meet the features of the room (e.g., software classes requiring laptops have priority for Gould 114).
      • Enrollment limits must fit the size of available rooms.
      • As a quarter approaches room assignments will be reviewed against Time Schedule enrollment with reallocation permitted to reflect actual enrollment.
      • Priority for the above listed spaces are given to quarterly BE classes and instruction.

CBE instruction for matriculating undergraduate and graduate courses are the only room reservation accepted on a quarterly basis. One-time reservations will be accepted once the previous quarter concludes but may have to be adjusted to accommodate last minute quarterly class changes. After quarterly CBE instruction, priority for CBE managed rooms are allocated for one-time reservations as follows:

    1. BE instruction as listed in the Time Schedule
    2. Non-matriculated quarterly BE instruction
    3. Officially sanctioned college events
    4. Officially sanctioned departmental events
    5. CBE instructional one-time requests
    6. Officially sanctioned BE student RSO requests
    7. BE student instructional requests
    8. Outside department requests including BE student non-academic requests
    9. Off campus customer rentals

G070, Architecture Hall
147, Architecture Hall
160, Architecture Hall

117, Gould
322, Gould
435, Gould
436, Gould

To more information on these spaces or to make a reservation please email the Time Schedule Office (

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