WRGP is a program offered through the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). It allows students legally residing in 16 participating western states and territories to attend the University of Washington at the resident tuition rate. To be considered, please complete this application, print to pdf, and return it along with your supporting documentation via email.
Arch: Claudine Manio, Graduate Academic Adviser, 206-685-8405, claudine@uw.edu
CM: Rachel Faber Machacha, Academic Advisor, 206-685-4438, rafm@uw.edu
LA: Julie Parrett, Senior Lecturer and Graduate Program Coordinator, 206-543-9240 parrettj@uw.edu
RE: Melissa Best, Assistant to the Chair, 206-685-8020, bestm2@uw.edu
UDP: Diana Siembor, Graduate Academic Advisor, 206-543-4190, udp@uw.edu