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CBE Student Stipend Request Page

The College of Built Environments remains committed to supporting you, our students, through these challenging times that have surfaced as a result of the pandemic and the ensuing economic hardship. As part of our support initiatives for students, we have created this page which is intended for students to submit requests for stipends (capped at $300) to help with needs such as technology*, transportation, textbooks, etc. All undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled in a CBE Major are eligible to apply below.

Please be mindful of peers with urgent needs as you consider submitting a request. Funds are limited and we will do our best to address concerns with financial stipends or other resources available.

If you have more substantial and urgent needs, including but not limited to expenses related to housing/rent, food, or medical needs, please continue to submit emergency aid requests for these via the central Emergency Aid Portal. Please be sure to indicate that you are a CBE student requesting aid from the CBE Emergency Fund in your application form.

The Emergency Aid Application form is separate from this stipend request page and dedicated to addressing larger needs. Applications submitted via the Emergency Aid Portal are reviewed by the Office of Financial Aid in partnership with the College of Built Environments and approved applicants may receive funding from the UW’s central Emergency Aid Fund and/or the CBE Student Emergency Fund.

*For technology related needs, we ask that you please familiarize yourself with and make use of the following resources ahead of making a stipend request as funding is limited and many technology needs may be addressed by the below.

*The next set of technology-related resources listed below are in order of availability.  We ask that you thoroughly explore options from the top working your way downward, where materials are more limited.

  • For students near campus – The Digital Commons outer lab will have modified access to fewer workstations for in-person use which can be accessed with your Husky Card.  In response to the evolving pandemic, all users will be charged the $2/foot CBE rate for Gould Hall plotting until further notice.
  • For students near campus -The Archnet plotter room is available on a limited basis for a single occupant at a time with your Husky Card.  Students may also install Archnet drivers on their own computers and may then send plots to one or more of the Archnet plotters without being physically in the space until it’s time to pick up their plot.

If you have further questions about any of the above technology-related resources, please contact for assistance.

Free coronavirus testing is available to all students via the Husky Coronavirus Testing initiative.

Student Stipend Request