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Fundraising & Gift Processing

Annual Philanthropy (Annual Giving):

Giving that totals up to $25,000 in a fiscal year and is expected to be annually recurring is considered “annual giving.”  The CBE Advancement Team manages a college-level Annual Philanthropy appeal calendar where we solicit recurring gifts from donors on behalf of the college and we are happy to work in coordination and collaborate with you on your own annual giving campaigns.

Make your annual giving mail, email, and social media fundraising campaigns count by partnering with CBE Advancement!  We have the resources to help you build and execute a successful campaign, track your campaign metrics, and store your constituency data to support your follow up communications, and help build your pipeline for future campaigns.

In order to provide the highest level of service & support, please note that our team requires the below lead time to partner with you departmental mail and email appeals:

  • Minimum of 6 weeks for printed mailings
  • Minimum of 4 weeks for email campaigns

When you partner with us we can help you build and sustain an annual giving pipeline by offering the following services:

  • Initial Consultation 
  • Assistance with Building Your Audience 
  • Assist with Visual Design If Needed 
  • Create an Appeal Code to Track Incoming Gifts Associated with Your Campaign (note: appeal codes are NOT tied to funds, they are attached to appeal/solicitation campaigns)
  • Work in Coordination with College-Level Communications and Central UW Annual Philanthropy to ensure your solicitation is well-timed and is not in conflict with other communications and/or appeals going out to your audience
  • Assist with Jeto/Marketo as Needed 
  • Help You Create a Peer to Peer Fundraising Site (as appropriate) so you can easily manage your crowdfunding campaign.

Gift Processing Services

  • Are you expecting a gift contribution in support of your program, research, or other initiative?  
  • Not sure if the contribution you are receiving is classified as a gift?  
  • Need payment instructions or information about where to direct a donor looking to make a gift?  
  • Want to make sure that your gift is properly and expeditiously processed so you have quick access to the funds?  

Advancement is here to help!  Do not hesitate to contact Mel at with questions.

As a result of the ongoing pandemic and our move to restricted campus operations, we are encouraging donors to make a contribution online in lieu of sending a check (whenever possible) as we are limited in how often we can check the Advancement mailbox and we are not able to check departmental or faculty/staff mailboxes for incoming checks.  If you need help finding or creating an online donation link for your fund, contact!

This Gift Processing Section will be updated as Advancement Operations continue to adapt to changing circumstances as a result of the pandemic.  Please check back periodically for updates.

Gift Options:


Or, if looking for a specific CBE fund, search using the following link:

You may also contact to obtain an online donation link for your specific fund to share with donors.

By Check

During restricted campus operations, online contributions are preferred over checks.  However, we understand that certain donors are bound by company/organization payment procedures or have a strong preference in paying by check only.  In these situations, please follow the below instructions.

All checks for gift contributions should be made payable to the University of Washington Foundation. Please have the donor indicate what fund the contribution is for in the memo section of the check or ask them to include a separate note in the envelope identifying the designated fund.  During this time of restricted campus operations, we ask that checks be sent directly to UW Central Gift Services at the below address:

UW Foundation
4333 Brooklyn Ave. NE
Box 359505
Seattle, WA 98195-9504

Please continue to return to this section on checks as it will be periodically revised to reflect operational changes in response to evolving remote work/return to campus operations.

Please do not send contributions of $50,000 or more in the mail.  Contact if you find yourself in this wonderful situation! 

For assistance in navigating other payment options such as wire transfers or coordinating with a company/organization that has very specific procedures not captured above, please contact

Above all, as you are expecting/receiving gift contributions, keep in touch with Advancement to ensure payments are processed in a smooth and timely manner!