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College Council

Under provisions of the Policy Directory, Faculty Code, Section 23-41, the College faculty establishes the College of Built Environments Council (hereafter College Council). The College Council shall provide governance for the faculty of the College. The Council shall be concerned with all domains of faculty authority and duties of the College faculty and the professional and personnel issues affecting faculty, as granted by the State of Washington Revised Code of Washington Section 28B.20.200, and delegated in the Policy Directory. The College Council is directly accountable to the faculty as a whole, from which it is elected. The College Council may act on behalf of the College faculty and shall be accountable to the College faculty for its actions.

The College Council has the following functions:

  1. to advise the Dean on faculty personnel actions for appointment, re-appointment, tenure, promotion, merit, and retention, including and in accordance with Policy Directory, Faculty Code, Chapters 24 and 25;
  2. to advise the Dean on how matters of educational policy are implemented;
  3. to advise the Dean on matters of budget, including but not limited to priorities, resource and salary allocations and faculty salary policy, and coordinate in advance of meetings with the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting;
  4. to advise the Dean on matters of College administrative policy and procedure;
  5. to advise the Dean in appointing standing and special committees of the College faculty;
  6. pursuant to Policy Directory, Executive Order No. 20, to serve as members on ad hoc committees for administrative appointments, renewals, and reviews of academic units, and to coordinate with the faculty on such appointments and reviews;
  7. pursuant to Policy Directory, Faculty Code Section 22-47, administer the election of Senators;
  8. to form its own standing committees or ad hoc committees to address specific issues in the College; and
  9. to interpret the College Bylaws governing Organization and Procedure;
  10. to develop policies on academic matters in the College as defined by Policy Directory, Faculty Code, Section 23-43, except those delegated to the departments, subject to approval by the CBE voting faculty and the Dean according to Section 23-45 through 48.


Jan Whittington (UDP), Chair

Jeffrey Hou (LA)

Gundula Proksch (ARCH)

Louisa Iarocci (ARCH)

Rebecca J. Walter  (RE)

Upcoming meetings: 

TBD at October meeting
Zoom link: []

2023-2024 Meetings
Agenda / Minutes – 10/24/23

2022-2023 Meetings

Agenda / Minutes – 01/03/23

Agenda / Minutes – 02/07/23

Agenda / Minutes 03/07/23

Agenda / Minutes 04/03/23

Agenda / Minutes 05/02/23

Annual College meeting – Agenda/Minutes 05/03/23

Agenda / Minutes 06/05/23

Agenda / Minutes 10/24/23

Agenda / Minutes 11/09/23

Agenda / Minutes 11/21/23

Past Years


Minutes – 1/6/22

Minutes – 1/20/22

Minutes – 2/17/22

Minutes – 2/3/22

Agenda / Minutes – 10/25/22

Agenda / Minutes – 11/22/22


Agenda/Minutes – 1/9/20

Agenda/Minutes – 1/30/20

Agenda/Minutes – 3/12/20

Agenda/Minutes – 4/9/20 (canceled)

Agenda/Minutes – 5/14/20

Agenda/Minutes – 6/11/20

Annual College meeting – Agenda/Minutes 6/10/20



Agenda/Minutes – 1/24/19

Agenda/Minutes – 2/25/19

Agenda/Minutes – 3/4/19

Agenda/Minutes – 4/1/19

Agenda/Minutes – 5/6/19

Agenda/Minutes – 6/3/19

Agenda/Minutes– 10/4/19

Agenda/Minutes – 11/1/19

Agenda/Minutes – 12/9/19